Daily Features

To all non-tribalist voters: Observe, decide…

I agree: Land for working-class Afros Hello friends, hello critics. My simple ageing mind wishes to simplify the advice implicit in my lead caption – non tribalist, observation, analysis, decision, hopefully a national objective decision regarding which political group you prefer in government beyond 2019.

The mind is everything

Do you pay attention to the state of your mind? We all can tend to get so lost in the humdrum of everyday existence that we neglect and suppress our mental state and emotions.

Breaking free of homophobia

Across the world, June is observed as the month to honour the lives and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons who actively stood up against discrimination and institutional violence in defence of their identity.

Elections commissions and rigged elections

The human condition is such that in almost every walk of life, by various means – usually trickery and force – individuals will perennially seek and try to institutionalise advantage over each other, and the most that can be hoped for is mitigation of this phenomenon.

The Case for a World Carbon Bank

By Kenneth Rogoff CAMBRIDGE – Although much derided by climate-change deniers, not least US President Donald Trump, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal hits the nail on the head with its urgent call for the United States to lead by example on global warming.

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