Basdeo questions Bharrat
After completing twenty-three years within this ‘paper and column, regulars would appreciate that I am not given to – or can’t manage – the more academic, more analytical/philosophical reviews and assessments, whilst discussing or exploring issues.
Say what you like about Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham, they and thus their governments had holistic and audacious views of Guyana and its development.
Pope Francis, who has made the plight of migrants one of the central themes of his papacy, should have no mercy with Republican hopeful Donald Trump when the pontiff visits Mexico in mid-February.
The early 1950s in Guyana (then British Guiana) was a whirlwind of political activity which energized sections of Guyanese society to challenge the colonial state.
Corruption has disastrous impacts on development when funds that should be devoted to schools, health clinics and other vital public services are instead diverted into the hands of criminals or dishonest officials.
Last week’s column provided information for readers seeking a basic appreciation of the role the gold industry (Guyana’s leading mineral sub-sector), plays when assessing the pitfalls posed by its dependence on extractive industries.
While the studding of the eggplant and roasting it over an open flame will be very familiar, the flavours imbued through the seasoning are most definitely Asian.
A colleague who reads these articles (Glory be!) commented that I should mention that some dogs have a genetic predisposition to have more (or less) teeth in their mouths.
Those of you who might have see-sawed through New Year health and fitness resolutions in the past would know that if it has not happened before, it is around this time that your drive will begin to slow.
-We’re 23 today!Strange how one can juxtapose seemingly oblique, or very unrelated events, personalities, reminiscences, when one vivid, even startling bit of drama unfolds.
Last week I stated that during my presentation to the Public Service Commission of Inquiry I argued that after only a few months in office, the present regime succumbed to ethnic entrepreneurship and began undercutting its stated principles of what a public servant should be.