Daily Features

Ask the Consul
Non-Immigrant Visas and HIV Installment Sixty-Seven The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Waiver Final Rule.
History This Week No.42/2008
The Rise and Demise of Nationalist Politics in British GuianaBy Dr.
The Indian exception
by Shashi Tharoor Shashi Tharoor, an acclaimed novelist and commentator, is a former Under-Secretary- General of the United Nations.

In The Diaspora
The high artfulness of Hawley Harris In tribute to Guyanese cartoonist Hawley Harris, who recently passed away, this week we carry an excerpt from a longer essay by Dr.
Bailout blues
Kenneth Rogoff is Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Harvard University, and was formerly chief economist at the IMF.

What the people say about
Improving conditions for teachers Photos and interviews by Melissa Charles Sudesh Rampersaud, Painter: ‘Teachers are very important and to my knowledge they are not being treated fairly.
Ian On Sunday
Victory at all costs? An old sporting argument – good for many lovely hours of intense discussion and fervent discussion – surfaces every now and then.

Sunday Cartoon
Guyana and the wider world
The EPA: Technicality subverts democratic discourses I have already pointed out that the text of the Cariforum-EC; Partnership Agree-ment (EPA) is very long.
Business Page
Died on a Monday, exhumed on a Wednesday and born on a Friday: The rescue of a rescue package It takes going back to the childhood nursery rhyme to capture the events of the past week in the United States of America.
The View From Europe
The Caribbean needs to engage in a painful debate on ‘development’ “The euphoria of speculators has spawned the anguish of entire peoples… Only decisive action by governments, especially in countries at the heart of the crisis, will be able to control the disorder that has spread through the world’s financial sector, with perverse impacts on the daily lives of millions of people.
Pet Corner
Infectious canine hepatitis Infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) is a highly contagious viral disease, which, as the name suggests, attacks predominantly dogs, although the virus is known to cause illness in foxes, wolves and coyotes.

Consumer Concerns
Don’t refuse to accept the change to metric It’s metric time again.

Tournament to identify candidates for the National Championships begins Sunday The preliminary chess tournament to decide the candidates for participation in the National Championships begins next Sunday at the St Stanislaus College on Brickdam. The tournament, an eight-round swiss system event, will be conducted separately in the Junior and Senior categories.

The race for the White House
Obama pulling away Wayne Brown is a well-known Trinidadian writer and columnist who now resides in Jamaica.

The Guyana Legion
The First World War (1914-1918) changed the course of human history in significant ways.
A weekly column prepared by Dr. Balwant Singh’s Hospital Inc. Key ‘whole’ surgery: changing with the timesBy Dr Anirban Banerjee, MS (General & Laparoscopic Surgeon) Laparoscopy and laparoscopic surgery Laparoscopy, also known as minimal invasive or keyhole surgery is a procedure used to examine the abdominal (belly) and pelvic organs and also to remove the diseased organ from the abdomen.
A Gardener’s Diary
‘One year’s seed equals seven years’ weed’ Any man who calls a spade a spade ought to be forced to use one regularly.

Tributes to Sir Shridath Ramphal on his eightieth birthday
Introduction Sir Shridath Surendranath Ramphal, lawyer, foreign policy expert, international civil servant and writer, known as ‘Sonny’ to his family and friends, was born on October 3, 1928 in New Amsterdam, Berbice, to Grace and James Ramphal.
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