From the routine deception of commercial “giveaways” and the numerous promotions to increase sales, to the occasional real offers of gifts; from the varied forms of exploitation of labour by greedy unscrupulous employers to the threat by under-performing public abilities to deprive the poor of their services, you just know that the “Season” is upon us.
An unfamiliar country keeps popping up in press reports about drug trafficking: Guinea Bissau.
By far the most intensive and painstaking explorations of Guyana, the former colony of Britain, were those conducted in the third and fourth decades of the nineteenth century by the German, Sir Robert Herman Schomburgk.
Q: I know more than one person who is involved in a sham marriage just to get a visa.
TOLEDO – If “one man of courage makes a majority,” as Andrew Jackson said, then 30 years ago, in November 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was such a man.
LONDON – The recent meeting in the Vatican of the “Custodian of The Holy Places,” King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and Pope Benedict XVI was a seminal event, particularly as it comes at a time when radical Muslims are decrying the role of “crusaders” in Middle East politics.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Rudy Insanally was involved in a vigorous verbal battle last night over the relevance of CRNM in rapidly evolving trade talks.
PALO ALTO, CALIF. – The fact that America’s economy is slowing is bad news for Europeans, regardless of claims that Europe’s economy has successfully decoupled itself from the United States.
Do you eat healthy foods? Do you pay attention to whether foods are low in fat and sugar?
In the Diaspora (this is one of a series of fortnightly columns from Guya-nese in the diaspora and others with an interest in issues related to Guyana and the Caribbean)
The desires of many Guyanese to head north-yearning for the perceived opportunities of security and wealth in Brooklyn, Queens, Toronto, London, and the like, reflect the influence of how the thrust of American and European economic might have shaped the consumer realities and political imaginaries of many Guyanese.
This article was received from Project Syndicate, an international not-for-profit association of newspapers dedicated to hosting a global debate on the key issues shaping our world.
A few weeks ago, I had conceded that I, and quite a few thousands of other adult Guyanese, I suspect, paid little attention to issues related to one of our “most huge” natural resources – our vast forests.
WASHINGTON DC – After eight years on the job, Carla del Ponte is about to step down as the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague.
Guardians of the past, they testify to the ordeals and exploits of those who worked in them.
Now that the dollar has dropped 43% from its high against the euro, the process of global financial rebalancing is seriously underway.
LA PAZ – The re-election for unlimited periods that Presidents Hugo Ch
How have you found food prices? Have you had to make changes in what you purchase?
After all the campaigning, the outcome of the Trinidad and Tobago elections of 2007 saw Prime Minister Patrick Manning leading his People’s National Movement (PNM) troops to a resounding victory over the United National Congress, led by former Prime Minister Mr.
Cristina Fern
This article was received from Project Syndicate, an international not-for-profit association of newspapers dedicated to hosting a global debate on the key issues shaping our world.