We must ask – on what grounds and by what form of executive fiat does the Chief Elections Officer determine that he should invalidate 1 vote, far less over 115 000 votes when the votes were already certified as valid by officers of the Guyana Elections Commission in the presence of the political parties.
There has been an upsurge in coronavirus cases in Guyana. As of the time of writing, there have been 250 confirmed cases, 117 recoveries and 14 deaths.
Guyana is in a most profound crisis. This crisis has been in the making for over 50 years – ever since the declaration of independence that came on the heels of the collapse of a multiracial anticolonial movement, the intervention of the joined imperialist forces of the UK and US and the convulsive coastal racial disturbances of the 1960s that delivered almost unshakeable constituencies of African and Indian Guyanese to the two major political parties in Guyana.
Later this year we will know whether President Trump has won a second term in office or if his fellow septuagenarian, Joe Biden, has ended the most disruptive US presidency in living memory.
The Commonwealth Charter recognises the inalienable right of individuals to participate in democratic processes, in particular through free and fair elections in shaping the society in which they live and for this right to be protected and respected. Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland
In last week’s article, we referred to the judicial intervention sought by one Eslyn David in relation to the recently completed recount of the votes cast in the 2020 elections.
-Victoria: – More fallout from the Floyd protests
As like last Friday, again as this is being written earlier in this week, I am/we are not blessed with any conclusion to the March 02 elections.
On Tuesday, the Chief Election Officer, (CEO), Keith Lowenfield proved he was even more mathematically and morally challenged than the now infamous Clairmont Mingo, when he arbitrarily invalidated without any explanation nearly a quarter of the total votes cast at the March 2, 2020 polls.
-The Floyd protests – A few consequences
Please note that these views were penned before GECOM’s Fit-and-Proper Iron-Lady Chairperson pronounced on Recount Results or any possible final fateful declaration.