Think on That

Are you?

Are we unperturbed when we read headlines such as there being no word from the police concerning the probe of the killing of Orin Boston?

Feting with variants

A Guyana Defence Force bus, or the ‘ormy bus’ as some have dubbed it, has been used in the rounding up of those who breach the COVID-19 curfew.

Judge, Jury and Executioner

Our homes should be safe spaces. The walls should not only protect us from the weather or prying eyes, but from being harmed and killed by intruders.

We must remember their names

Are young people safe in Guyana? Are they protected? Names like Neesa Gopaul, Isaiah and Joel Henry, Haresh Singh and Shonette Dover are only a few of those who were not safe.

Better options

Being alive in 2021 is a test of strength and courage, but it is also a time of awakening.

Mark of the beast

Some people have been linking the biblical references about a mark of the beast to COVID-19 vaccines.

Illusions of Freedom

There is controversy surrounding COVID-19 vaccinations in Guyana. While many people are getting vaccinated, others who are vaccine hesitant are being told by their employers that they must be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing.

Off the grid

We exist in a harsh environment not because of the heat or cold or shrubs or stones, but because we are trapped by the system.

Because we care

The government of Guyana through the Ministry of Education has begun to distribute the ‘Because We Care’ cash grant to every child in the public school system.

Speed bumps

Several people have died on our roads this month. Speed bumps and traffic lights do not stop much of the road carnage.

National Disasters

Disaster and crisis have always been common in Guyana. In our moments of calm, whether consciously or subconsciously, we are in a state of constant preparedness for the next chapter in our book of trials and errors.

Surviving COVID-19

Surviving COVID-19 is not just about being able to breathe. For what is living when it appears that our souls have departed our bodies and have left us listless and cold.

The Audacity

Directors of Superior Concrete Inc., a foreign company in Guyana, disrespected Housing Minister Colin Croal, Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority Sherwyn Greaves and staff of the CH&PA’s Enforcement Department.

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