Guyana Review

Secondary school children at work

Is official indifference fuelling violence in schools?

After all of the official fuss and public anxiety that has been expressed over the issue of violence among schoolchildren and in schools in recent years, we were more than a little surprised that both the Chief Education Officer and the General Secretary of the Guyana Teachers’ Union passed up the offer made to them by The Guyana Review to publicly pronounce on these issues and even to say what, individually or together, their respective institutions are doing in order to seek to remedy these problems.

Dalia Fraser

Women Speak

Public discourse over gender issues and more particularly the issue of violence against women rivals and in many cases, exceeds most other items on the national agenda.

A lone May Day demonstrator

Not a leg to stand on

It does no harm for the labour movement to get the occasional reminder about its threatened drift into irrelevance even though fears that it sometimes interprets those reminders quite incorrectly.

Sixth Form at Queen’s College

‘Steady’ CAPE

Steady appears to be the best word to describe the Carib-bean Advance Proficiency Examination (CAPE), both in terms of its growth and the performance of candidates The Encarta Dictionary describes ‘steady’ in these terms: steady: fixed, stable, or not easily moved.


Cuba 2.0

These impressions of contemporary Cuba were penned by Guyanese, Dr. David Pollard shortly after he visited the Caribbean island in December 2012.

Dreaming political pipe dreams

One has to wonder whether the hope expressed late last year that the outcome of the November general elections that had given the combined opposition a one-seat majority in the National Assembly would bring ‘some good’ to our political landscape was more of a pipe dream than an earnest hope.

Liloutie Seeram

The killing of our women

The little that we do is not nearly enough If there is something profoundly sickening about the monotonous regularity with which domestic violence is claiming the lives of our womenfolk, what is even more disturbing is the sense one gets that the decibel level of public protestations notwithstanding, we are, on the whole, indifferent to the carnage.

Caricom heads

Integrate or Perish

Challenges of the Caribbean Community Keynote address at Dies Natalis Anton de Kom University of Suriname By Sir Shridath Ramphal The Treaty of Chaguaramas of 1973 – itself an emanation from the CARIFTA Agreement of 1965 – began with words which are fundamental to the economic integration commitments which followed.

Congress 2012

The PNC at 55:

Ideology, identity and the destiny of the PNCR The People’s National Congress Reform celebrated its 55th anniversary a few weeks ago in October at the centre of a five-party political partnership.

The Honourable Minister

Rumbling over Rohee

Whatever the extent of political and public criticism of his tenure as Home Affairs Minister the ruling PPP/C is unlikely to let go of Clement Rohee Clement Rohee has become used to questions being raised about his suitability to serve as a Cabinet Minister.

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