Guyana Review

Secondary hopefuls

Transitional Six (6) Year Curriculum

Issues and challenges in the new academic yearIn this issue the Guyana Review publishes a collection of articles that address themes and issues in the development of the education system.

UNICEF’s contribution to education in Guyana

Issues and challenges in the new academic year   (Cont’d) Guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and in keeping with Articles 28 and 29, UNICEF-Guyana advocates for and facilitates education as a right, and uses education to support results in health, nutrition and protection for the realization of other rights.

Jackie Ault (second from right, back row) and some of her charges and their parents

Manners still matter

For the thirteen pre-secondary children who participated in the inaugural programme of Manners Matter, a one-week summer orientation exercise run by the Visions of Excellence Resource Development Centre, the time could hardly have been better spent.

Beginner’s Luck

By Michael Whayl I couldn’t bring myself to do it. The thought of compounding the wrong that I had already done seemed, somehow, repulsive, as if I was surrendering to the commonplace culture of offering blandishments in exchance for illicit favours.

The Georgetown Summit in session

Jagdeo’s Summit

The 30th Regular Meeting of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) Heads of Government convened in Georgetown earlier this month can hardly be said to have taken place under the most convivial of circumstances.

Intellectual hopefuls

University of adversity

Education Established forty-six years ago in inappropriate premises, with inadequate staffing, insufficient funding and unsatisfactory laboratory and library facilities, the University of Guyana has underperformed because it is still underdeveloped and under-resourced.

With an eye on the leadership: One-time PNC Health Minister Richard Van West Charles

PNCR’s permanent insurgency

Politics Forbes Burnham’s death nearly twenty-four years ago created a chronic crisis of confidence in the leadership of the People’s National Congress.

The Ministry of Health burns July 2009

Arson central

Society No other poor Caribbean country can equal Guyana’s extraordinary record of destruction of government buildings by arson.

Let’s Learn About Cilmate Change

Book Review Paulette Bybie and Denise Symmons Infusing Climate Change into the schools curriculum is one of the important challenges that the country’s education system will have to confront in the years ahead as Guyana, the region and the international community as a whole seek to pay greater attention to the impact of Climate Change on life as we know it.   

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