Guyana Review

President Bharrat Jagdeo (left) in a meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (GINA photo)
President Bharrat Jagdeo (left) in a meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (GINA photo)

Foreign Policy-How the foreign service lost its way

For the foreign service to fulfill its mission of promoting friendly relations, fostering conditions for economic development and protecting the country from adversaries it must find its way out of the wilderness of mediocrity and return to the path of professionalism.

Owen S. Arthur

“Small states in stormy weather”

Feature address by the RT. Hon. Owen S. Arthur, M.P. former Prime Minister of Barbados at Rotary World Understanding Day Dinner Pegasus Hotel georgetown, Guyana  February 27, 2009 In reflecting on his very many crises, Richard Nixon was moved to observe that: “You do not become the finest steel, until you have gone through the hottest fires.”

Christopher Ram

Periodicals-Transition Number 38

Consociationalism and Governance in Guyana Edited by Rishee Thakur Institute of Development Studies, University of Guyana A review by Christopher RamThe immediate reaction of the reader to the topic Consociationalism in the Guyana context would be one of at least mild surprise, if not boredom.

Guyana National Stadium, Providence East Bank Demerara

Sport-Salvaging sport

When compared with what has been accomplished in much of the rest of the Caribbean there is no doubt that the development of sport in Guyana has failed to match that of other countries which  are, neither economically or in any other respect, better positioned to create a strong national sport infrastructure.

US State Department Human Rights Report Card In

The controversial Annual United States State Department Report on Human Rights Practices around the world has come to be regarded in some quartets as an index for measuring the political preferences of the world’s most powerful state rather than as a reliable ‘report card’ on respect for human rights in those countries that are assessed.

GHRA Head Mike Mc Cormack

Hope, hype and human rights

The annual United States Department of State Report on Human Rights Practices usually triggers selective interpretation and hype from the state media and angry reactions from the Government of Guyana.

Indranie Chandarpal

Jagdeo’s choices?

As President Bharrat Jagdeo prepares to celebrate the tenth anni-versary as Guyana’s longest-serving head of state, the manner in which he selects and rejects persons to fill the seats of power in the cabinet will determine the destiny of the country.

DIGICEL’s Chief Executive Officer Gregory Deane

Clash of the Titans

A muted but intense rivalry is raging between Guyana’s two telecommunications service providers The arrival of DIGICEL in Guyana two years ago after the company had, more or less, swept aside most of the competition in the rest of the Caribbean, heralded the dawn of a brand new era in national telecommunications.

Securing the city

Dangerous decade

President Bharrat Jagdeo came to power nearly 10 years ago. What public safety lessons can be learnt from the extraordinary events that occurred during the most dangerous decade in this country’s history?

Edwin Carrington

Caribbean security challenges

Opening address by his Excellency Edwin W Carrington, Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community, on the occasion of the Ministerial Conference on Security, Drug Trafficking , Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism as challenges for development in the Caribbean, 19 February 2009, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Honourable Edmund Fredericks

Glimpses of Guyanese History

The African-Guyanese The British Guiana Centenary Year Book, 1831-1931, edited by E Sievewright Stoby, was published in 1931 to celebrate the centenary of the unification of the colony of British Guiana in 1831. 

The ePaper edition, on the Web & in stores for Android, iPhone & iPad.

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