Glimpses of Guyanese History
The British Guiana Centenary Year Book, 1831-1931, edited by E. Sievewright Stoby, was published in 1931 to celebrate the centenary of the unification of the colony of British Guiana in 1831.
The British Guiana Centenary Year Book, 1831-1931, edited by E. Sievewright Stoby, was published in 1931 to celebrate the centenary of the unification of the colony of British Guiana in 1831.
– Edwin Cameron is a Justice of South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz NEW YORK – We are all Keynesians now.
– Riza Berkan is a nuclear scientist with a specialization in artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, and information systems.
(an extract from Schomburgk’s expedition to the interior. The work was translated from German by Walter E.
Colin Klass’s refusal to step down as President of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) in the face of the rejection of his leadership by the players whom he purports to represent may have plunged local football into its most serious crisis ever.
The unitary colony of British Guiana was brought into existence by Royal Proclamation on 21st July 1831.
– A passion for periodicals David de Caires spent more than half of his life immersed in his passion for raising literary and intellectual standards in Guyana through reading.
With the ink barely dry on the historic maritime jurisdiction ruling by the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) Guyana and Suriname are at it again, this time, following the October 14, 2008 seixure by Suriname navel vessels of the Lady Chanrda, a privately –owned Guyanese boat on the Corentyne River.
This essay – The Militia and its Parade Ground – has been extracted from James Rodway’s The Story of Georgetown.
Mr President of the General Assembly, Mr Secretary General, Distinguished Represen-tatives Ladies and Gentlemen.
Guyana Review reports on a recent environmental conference in Manhattan which focuses on the creation of jobs that can help in the global fight against the potentially cataclysmic consequences of climate change As the global agenda becomes increasingly preoccupied with the issue of climate change and its likely implications for the quality of life on the planet, people the world over are seeking to fashion a multi-disciplinary response to the challenges posed by the threat of cataclysmic environmental change.
As Dave Martins’s popular, patriotic ballad “Not A Blade of Grass” pervaded the airwaves to find acceptance as Guyana’s second national anthem, the sonorous slogan “Every Citizen a Soldier” signalled the establishment of the Guyana People’s Militia in December 1976.
By Peter Fraser James started as a creative writer; here I shall concentrate on the literary stage of his career which ended in 1936 with his play Toussaint L’Ouverture, his history of the Haitian Revolution, The Black Jacobins, concentrating on its qualities as a work of history, and then the three works that might be described as cultural studies: American Civilization, Mariners, Renegades and Castaways, and Beyond A Boundary.
(an extract from Schomburgk’s expedition to the interior. The work was translated from German by Walter E.
Guyana Review examines the issues surrounding the decision by the Kashif and Shanghai Organization to depart from an 18-year old practice by shifting the Finals of its annual football tournament from the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground to the National Stadium at Providence The decision by the Kashif and Shanghai Organization to relocate the Finals of its 19th Annual Football Tournament from its customary venue, the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground, to the National Stadium at Providence is the latest in a series of troublesome issues to descend on a sport already besieged by its own fair share of controversy.
A conversation with Sir Shridath Ramphal During a recent visit to Guyana former Commonwealth Secretary General Sir Shridath Ramphal granted The Guyana Review an extensive interview covering a wide range of issues embracing aspects of Caribbean diplomacy, the role of the United Nations and evolving issues in the development of the international system.
The British Guiana Volunteer Force was established sixty years ago in June 1948.
CLR James: An outstanding Caribbean intellectIntroduction CLR James, the Trinidadian scholar, writer, Marxist ideologue and internationalist who spent much of his life abroad in the United Kingdom is not well known to Guyanese and Caribbean people.
Cultural transformation of the Caribbean in the 21st CenturyWelcoming Each Other: Cultural transformation of the Caribbean in the 21st Century was presented in the Andres Bello Auditorium of the Inter-American Development Bank on January 22, 1998, as part of the IDB Cultural Centre’s Lecture Programme.
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