Guyana Review

An eye-catching departure from the presidential routine
An eye-catching departure from the presidential routine

Politics…Perusing the Presidency

On the eve of the second anniversary of the accession to office of the APNU-AFC administration, President David Granger talks with The Guyana Review about his administration, his presidency and his vision for the future of Guyana ________________ Guyana Review: You are the only President of Guyana ever to have served in that office without the benefit of any prior Cabinet experience.

 Vice Chancellor Griffith engaging secondary school students

Education…The University of Guyana: Challenge and Change

University of Guyana Vice Chancellor Professor Ivelaw Griffith talks with The Guyana Review about the challenges that inhere in the transformation of the University of Guyana Guyana Review: Perhaps we can start by trying to secure an insight into your vision, your priorities for the University of Guyana.

Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman

Oil and The Future…The Crucible of our Time

By Raphael Trotman MP, Minister of Natural Resources Many adjectives and superlatives can be used to describe today’s happenings not just what is unfolding at this instant at the Georgetown Marriott, but overall, I am speaking about what is taking place within Guyana and around the world following on the announcement of a ‘significant’ discovery 200 km offshore Guyana’s territorial waters – “historic”, “transformational”, “transcendental”, “outstanding”, “stupendous”, and “exciting” are some words which spring to mind and have been used.

Derek Walcott

Tribute…Derek Walcott

The poet and playwright Derek Walcott, who moulded the language and forms of the western canon to his own purposes for more than half a century, has died aged 87.

President David Granger meeting Guyanese in London

Comment…The diaspora dynamic

These days, much more than during any other period in our post-independence history, there is, with good reason, a deliberate focus on the role which Guyanese in the diaspora can play in the country’s   development.

Neighbours meet: President David Granger and Suriname President Desi Bouterse

Diplomatic noises on Guyana’s two most contentious borders

Even at a time when the attention of Guyana’s coalition government is focused on energizing the country’s underperforming economy, the administration still cannot afford to allow its attention to wander from a foreign policy agenda that includes managing relations with two neighboring countries with which separate territorial controversies loom large.

President David Granger (third right) on oil rig with ExxonMobile and other officials

Thinking Oil: Where do we go from discovery

There has been an undeniable air of expectancy here in Guyana arising out of the disclosure last year by the United States company, Exxon Mobil that commercial deposits of oil and gas had  been offshore Guyana.

Crop production is set to increase

Spotlight on NAREI

As agriculture moves increasingly to the forefront of the Guyana economy the Guyana Review examines some of the key achievements of the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) in 2016 April last brought rainfall after a prolonged dry season that started in 2015.

Donald Trump

Trump presidency: What priorities for US-Caribbean Economic engagement?

By Alicia Nicholls Reprinted from Caribbean Trade Law and Development: Posted on November 17, 2016 The United States’ position as most Caribbean countries’ largest economic partner and an important foreign policy ally means that constructive engagement with the incoming Trump administration is not just a choice but an imperative.

Fidel Castro

On the passing of the Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro’s death on Friday November 25 was, arguably, one of the most profoundly anti- climactic occurrences in contemporary global politics, his end coming a decade after he had relinquished the title of ‘El Commandante,’ Cuba’s unquestioned leader for forty-seven years.

Night Shift

It was one of those nights when the children had gone to bed with little to eat, when she had had to cover the distance from Kitty to Kingston on foot and when the Guard Hut felt colder and more desolate than it customarily did.

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