Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Roger Khan speaking at Ricardo Fagundes’ funeral yesterday.

Roger Khan says he was target of Palm Court ‘hit’

Convicted drug-trafficker Shaheed Roger Khan on Monday said that he was the target of the recent `hit’ outside the Palm Court bar that claimed the life of gold dealer Ricardo Fagundes and he called on President Irfaan Ali to ensure the investigation is “impartial” as he demanded justice.

IDB study urges expenditure rule for Guyana

Ensuring proper management of Guyana’s projected oil bonanza will likely pose a great challenge given social and political pressures and the country should therefore adopt an expenditure rule, according to a February 2021 Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) study.

A business place which was visited by the Civil Defence (CDC) team after being flooded on Sunday. (CDC photo)

Princes St sluice operations ‘under control,’ Deputy Mayor says

In the aftermath of the flooding that affected hundreds of residents on Sunday due to the failure of an operator to close a sluice gate at Princes Street, Deputy Mayor Alfred Mentore yesterday said the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) has the situation well in hand while adding that persons responsible would be reprimanded.

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