Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Ali announces $5B injection for GuySuCo

President Irfaan Ali yesterday announced that $5 billion will be injected into the beleaguered  Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) as the new PPP/C government moves to deliver on its campaign promise of reopening three of the sugar estates that were shuttered under the former APNU+AFC-led government.

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The monstrous murders of cousins Isaiah and Joel Henry over the weekend must be rapidly investigated by the police  and the perpetrators brought swiftly to justice.

Region Nine man, 79, is latest COVID-19 fatality

Guyana has recorded another COVID-19 death as well as 92 more confirmed cases as over 350 test results have been returned from the Carib-bean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), which is assisting the country in clearing its testing backlog.

Harmon calls for cops to be allowed to do work

-but says independent probe needed for justice While calling on police to do a thorough investigation, Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon yesterday said that an independent investigation would be needed in order to ensure that justice is served in the murders of West Coast Berbice teenagers Isaiah Henry and Joel Henry.

Gov’t earmarking $7B for COVID-19 response

Some $7 billion in the upcoming 2020 national budget has been earmarked for COVID-19 assistance nationwide, according to President Irfaan Ali, who says that government is moving to improve the country’s response to the pandemic.

Navindra Samaroo

‘Top Cat’ charged with murdering marketing agent

Dwayne Castello, known as ‘Top Cat,’ was on Friday charged and remanded to prison for the murder of marketing agent Navindra Samaroo, who was fatally shot at Middle Road, La Penitence just over a month and a half ago Castello, 27, of East Ruimveldt, made his appearance before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly in Georgetown to answer the charge.

UNICEF donates equipment for remote hearing of juvenile cases

In an effort to ensure justice for juveniles in detention while preventing the spread of COVID-19 UNICEF has donated to the Ministry of Home Affairs Skype recording units and other equipment to be installed at the Sophia Juvenile Holding Centre, New Amsterdam Prison, Camp Street and Lusignan Prisons to allow the remote hearing of cases and connections with the courts, including the Children’s Court, and other facilities deemed necessary for the promotion of telehealth to persons in detention.

ERC deplores murder of teens

The Ethnic Relations Commission, (ERC) today strongly condemned the killings of the two teens, Joel Henry and Isaiah Henry at Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice over the weekend and called for swift action by the police to apprehend those responsible.

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