Guyana News

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Bruce Golding speaking at the meeting yesterday

Golding exposes electoral fraud at OAS meeting

Saying that he “has never seen a more transparent effort to alter the results of an election,” Head of the OAS observer mission to Guyana’s March 2nd elections, Bruce Golding, yesterday reported that the ongoing recount process has exposed glaring instances where the figures presented by Returning Officer of Region Four, Clairmont Mingo, were clearly fiddled.

Noel Lynch

Irregularities occurred in count not elections system

Barbados Ambassador Noel Lynch yesterday told the Permanent Council of the OAS that irregularities in the March 2nd general elections occurred in the count of votes and not in the system and he vowed that CARICOM will see the ongoing recount through to a credible conclusion as it will not abide the erosion of democracy in the community.

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