Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Michael Gilkes
Michael Gilkes

Obituary – Michael Gilkes

Compiled by Al Creighton, Vanda Radzik, Marina Taitt and Jocelyn Dow Michael Gilkes (1933 – 2020) was a prominent Caribbean academic, literary critic, playwright, director, poet and filmmaker.

A sign posted at the ASL agent’s office at Paramakatoi

Air Services denies raising prices for hinterland flights

Local charter airline Air Services Ltd (ASL) yesterday denied increasing its prices for flights to hinterland regions, while Finance Minister Winston Jordan said the government would be prepared to examine proposals to cap the fares being charged by public transport operators.

  Justice Adrian Saunders

CCJ marks 15th anniversary

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on Thursday celebrated its 15th Anniversary and its President, Justice Adrian Saunders, said that as a court of last resort for contracting Caribbean Community (CARICOM) states, it court represents a new and different approach to regionalism.

GPL suspends delivery of bills for April

The Guyana Power and Light Inc. on Friday announced that it has taken the decision to suspend mail delivery for the month due to the difficult logistics of meeting the dates identified by the national post office. 

Second GuyTIE postponed

The second Guyana Trade and Investment Exhibition (GuyTIE), which was to be held next month, has been postponed until further notice.

Seventh coronavirus patient dies

Guyana has recorded its seventh novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) death. A release from the Department of Public Information quotes Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence as having confirmed that the death of the unidentified individual.

Page one of JJ&B LLC’s submission under the US FARA, which identifies the Guyana government as its client

Ministry of the Presidency denies hiring US lobbying firm

Following an official filing by United States lobbying firm JJ&B LLC, which says it was hired by government to change the narrative surrounding the March 2 elections, the Ministry of the Presidency (MoTP) yesterday stated that neither the Government of Guyana nor President David Granger had hired it.

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