Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Winston Long
Winston Long

Ex-con remanded on new robbery charge

A robbery charge which was “struck out” on Friday due to the absence of the police rank required to swear to the truth of the information in the charge, was read yesterday to ex-convict Winston Long, who was remanded to prison on yet another robbery charge.

Photo of the plane from GAMAS Aviation's Facebook Page

Medivac plane crash-lands on West Bank Demerara

A Guyana Adventist Medical Aviation Services plane with two persons and a dead body onboard this evening crash-landed in the wetlands area behind Nismes on the West Bank of Demerara and a rescue effort is currently underway.

PNC Chairwoman Volda Lawrence addressing the gathering yesterday.

Lawrence promises solutions to issues at Burnham Annex meeting

People’s National Con-gress (PNC) Chairwoman and Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence promised residents of D’Urban Backlands to rectify issues including the lack of birth certificates, a deplorable road and absence of street lights during one of her party’s outreaches yesterday afternoon.

Eight-year-old Jayden Primo smiles even with a cast on his left leg after the accident on James Street, Albouystown on February 10.

Albouystown boys recovering after motorcycle crash

The Albouystown boys injured in a motorcycle crash in the city ward last week are at home recovering and the mother of Jayden Primo, the 8-year-old who was hit along with his friend Emmanuel Fletchman, 7, is thankful that his life was spared.

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