Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Tisha Brodie aka
‘Tavi Baddie’
Tisha Brodie aka ‘Tavi Baddie’

Guyanese social media personality ‘Tavi Baddie’ shot dead in USA

Guyanese social media personality, Tisha Brodie, also known as ‘Tavi Baddie’ was found dead in the back of an Uber SUV, just a week after celebrating her birthday Brodie, 30, was discovered with multiple gunshot wounds with the incident reportedly occurring just around 4:30 am on Lindbergh Drive in Buckhead, Atlanta, USA.

Ongoing work at TSU Headquarters (Ministry of Home Affairs photo)
Ongoing work at TSU Headquarters (Ministry of Home Affairs photo)

Home Affairs PS in inspection of capital projects

The Guyana Police Force and the Special Constabulary are currently engaged in several capital projects to the tune of some $659 million and the works are progressing satisfactorily.

Shivram Mohabir

Triumph mechanic, 23, fatally stabbed

The Police say they are investigating the murder of Shivram Mohabir, called Vickash, a 23-year-old mechanic of Lot 40 Triumph Side Line Dam, East Coast Demerara, which occurred at about 7 pm yesterday.

Questions raised about killing of Smallie `accomplice’

Retired Assistant Com-missioner of Police, Paul Slowe, is labelling as “‘strange” the Joint Ser-vices’ operation that resulted in the shooting to death on Sunday of an alleged accomplice of escaped death row prisoner,  Mark Royden Williams called ‘Smallie’.

Juan Edghill

Flights diverted from CJIA due to heavy fog

Heavy fog on Sunday shuttered the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), Timehri  preventing two international flights operated by Ameri-can Airlines and Jet Blue from landing at the airport, resulting in major delays.

Mark Campbell

Life sentences for child rapist reduced to 20 years

Finding that the judge who conducted his trial had not complied with sentencing guidelines, nor considered mitigating factors, the Court of Appeal has reduced to 20 years; the two life sentences which had been imposed on child rapist Mark Campbell.

A blood test being done (Ministry of Health photo)

GWI in blood drive and health fair

Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony yesterday attended the opening ceremony of the Health Fair and Blood Drive held at the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), Head office on Vlissengen Road, George-town.

Leila Bacchus

NA woman remanded over murder of husband

An Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam woman was today remanded to prison after she was charged with her husband’s murder following her reported confession to investigators in Region Six that the victim discovered her cheating and began nagging at her and as such she decided to poison him.

President for Brazil meeting

President  Irfaan Ali departed for Brasilia, Brazil this morning to participate in the Meeting of the Presidents of South American Countries tomorrow.

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