Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Electrician on ganja charge

Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo granted an electrician accused of having two grammes of cannabis in his possession $10,000 bail when he appeared at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

T&T for new crime crackdown

(Trinidad Express) In response to the upsurge in murders, Government was set to implement an immediate crackdown on crime by increasing joint army patrols in crime hotspots from last night.

US urges 230 years prison for Allen Stanford

(Reuters) – U.S. prosecutors urged a judge today to send convicted financier Allen Stanford to prison for 230 years, calling him a “ruthless predator” whose $7 billion Ponzi scheme was among the most egregious frauds ever undertaken.

Prisoner feared dead after plunging into Mahaicony River

olice say that at about 1115h today, a police rank went to the lock-ups at the Mahaicony Police Station to take out prisoner Colin Sealey, 53 years, a fisherman of  Zes Kinderen, Mahaicony, ECD, in order for him to be conveyed to the Cove and John Magistrate’s Court.

Antigua PM: REDjet doomed

(Barbados Nation) Not only is REDjet not getting any financial assistance from the Antigua and Barbuda government, it doesn’t appear to be receiving any moral support either, with Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer declaring that the airline was “doomed to failure”.

Speaker Raphael Trotman

Speaker condemns court challenges to Parliament decisions

Amid the challenge by the government to the budget cuts, Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman today warned that continued recourse to the courts to challenge legitimate decisions of the National Assembly point to the growing danger of a constitutional crisis.

Owen Arthur, Finance Minister clash in Bajan Parliament

(Trinidad Express) Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler and Opposition Leader Owen Arthur yesterday clashed on economic policy, with Arthur likening the Government’s taxing of allowances to the controversial eight per cent public servants’ pay cut of 1991.

Proof sought in T&T of payout to CLICO policyholders

(Trinidad Express) Senior Counsel Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj — one of the attorneys representing the CLICO United Policyholders Group — has called on Finance Minister Winston Dookeran to provide evidence that TT$9 billion has already been paid out to policyholders.

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