Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Farmer on passport forgery charge

A 33-year-old farmer on an indictable charge of passport forgery was on Tuesday placed on $65,000 bail by Magistrate Hazel Octave-Hamilton in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.

Brazil burns mystery panties found in Congress

SAO PAULO,  (Reuters) – A pair of women’s underwear that fell out of a Brazilian legislator’s briefcase on the floor of Congress two weeks ago has been incinerated after no one stepped forward to claim them, O Globo newspaper reported today.

Jamaica sold short with sugar deal, says Clarke

(Jamaica Observer) Agriculture Minister Roger Clarke yesterday accused the former Jamaica Labour Party Government (JLP) of selling the country short in the divesting of three of the five state-owned sugar estates to Chinese company Complant International two years ago, with arrangements for tax waivers lasting up to 20 years, among other concessions.

EU `lectures’ Suriname over amnesty

(de Ware Tijd) PARAMARIBO – Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Lackin is very angry and disappointed that the delegation of the European Union (EU) that held a political dialogue with the government yesterday, used the occasion instead to lecture Suriname on the amnesty issue.

T&T Senator: Tag criminal suspects

(Trinidad Express) Persons who are suspected criminals should be tagged with the electronic monitoring bracelet so police can catch them in the act, says temporary Government Senator Jamal Mohammed.

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