Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

GTUC concerned about AFC’s approach on public sector wages

The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) yesterday commended the Alliance For Change for taking on board labour’s interests but advised the party to  postpone any proposed attempt to negotiate public sector wages and salaries with President Donald Ramotar until it  has had a proper engagement with the respective trade unions/workers representatives.

Fireman Jory Hector emerges from the fire with the puppies.
Fireman Jory Hector emerges from the fire with the puppies.

Ogle house goes up in flames

Photos by Anjuli Persaud A house at Ogle, on the East Coast Demerara was gutted by fire yesterday, after the electricity meter burst into flames.

Bandits brutalise, rob Mon Repos family

The police are investigating the armed robbery of businessman Rajendra Mangal of Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, who was held up with his family at gun point on Wednesday evening around 7.20 pm and relieved of cash, jewellery and other articles.

Repsol rig ready to start offshore drilling

The rig contracted to drill offshore for petroleum on behalf of Spanish company Repsol YPF is in place and ready to initiate works and all should be in place for the commencement of drilling expected by the beginning of February 2012.

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