Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Customs, BASS officers being probed over tax evasion

Three Customs officers and a Berbice Anti-Smuggling Squad (BASS) senior monitoring officer are under investigation after they allegedly colluded with a prominent businessman to evade over $10 million in taxes on 250 boxes of cigarettes brought in from Suriname.

AFC names 6 of its 7 MPs

The Alliance For Change (AFC) yesterday decided on six of the seven members who will represent the party in the National Assembly.

Cain Train went from silver bullet to train wreck

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – Former pizza magnate Herman  Cain’s bid for the White House was an unconventional long shot  from the start, but behind the colorful Cain Train a  dysfunctional team has always been on the verge of running off  the tracks.

Police probing death of Brazilian miner

The police say they are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Brazilian miner Sebastiao DeSouza Silva, 49 years, whose body was found at about 1100h on Thursday December 01, 2011, at Arangoy, Cuyuni River, with a suspected shotgun injury under the chin.

T&T DPP not yet consulted on alleged plot to kill PM

(Trinidad Express) Director of Public Prosecutions Roger Gaspard yesterday said he has not yet been consulted by the police in connection with an alleged plot to destabilise the country and assassinate Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and three Government Ministers.

An APNU supporter at the Square of the Revolution yesterday.

APNU sticks by poll verification call

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) candidate David Granger yesterday continued to call on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to verify all of the signed statements of poll from the general elections, saying it is a pre-condition for the acceptance of the results.

ABC Diplomats along with Head of the EU Delegation during a news conference yesterday.

Elections a win-win situation for Guyana

Congratulating the people of Guyana for their “dedication to the pursuit of free and fair elections” and calling the results a “win-win” situation, the ABC diplomats, in a statement yesterday called on Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation, to accept the results.

 Some of the protesters perched atop Cuffy during the meeting at the Square of the Revolution yesterday. (Photo by Anjuli Persaud)

Region 5 mixed on elections result

After waiting three days for the results of this year’s general and regional elections to be announced, many persons in Region Five accepted it as being fair while others were not satisfied.

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