Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Dookeran hits out at Sarkozy

(Trinidad Guardian) Finance Minister Winston Dookeran says French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s naming of T&T as a tax haven was premature and improper.

Tertiary education to remain free in Barbados

(Barbados Nation) Prime Minister Freundel Stuart says tertiary education in Barbados will remain free across the board, dismissing suggestions that only the “less well off” should receive state subsidies.

Asgar Ally (right) at the PPP/C’s Stewartville rally yesterday. (PPP/C photo)

PPP/C sounds 50% warning

PPP/C officials yesterday warned supporters not to trust the AFC and APNU saying that the two parties are conspiring to deny the ruling party another term and if the PPP/C fails to get over 50% of the votes, “cat eat the dinner of all of us.”

The veterans home

National Veterans Home to open soon

After at least 15 years of planning and various obstacles including funding and a proper location, the National Veterans Home, is finally complete and will soon open its doors to impoverished veterans.

The children going through their drills

Road safety education makes Linden comeback

Road safety practices have been a missing component from schools in Linden for a number of years but thanks to the coordinators of the National Road Safety Council, that void has been filled with a number of students being trained especially when it comes to the use of the pedestrian crossing.

 One of the main drainage canals at Westminster. Residents say it has never been cleaned.

Residents complain about bad roads, drainage in Parfait Harmonie

Residents of the Parfait Harmonie Housing Scheme, on the West Bank of Demerara, want authorities to repair their deplorable roads and clear the weed-infested canals and drains that cause flooding whenever it rains When Stabroek News visited the area and spoke to some of the residents, they complained that ever since they moved into the area,

Cathy Hughes

Corruption has stifled Guyana’s development

Alliance For Change (AFC) executive member Cathy Hughes said on Saturday evening that Guyana would have been more developed had there not been the level of corruption there is and promised that under an AFC-led government jobs will be created and VAT would be reduced.

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