Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

NIS pays Ronald Collins

The National insurance Scheme fulfilled their promise of paying pension benefits to former sugar worker Ronald Collins who was declared dead in the company’s computer system.

Comprehensive report on Barbados sugar due

(Barbados Nation) A comprehensive review of the Barbados sugar industry has been conducted for the Barbados Government by Landell Mills Ltd, one of the world’s leading international development consulting firms.

Egypt recalls envoy in Israel over deaths

CAIRO, (Reuters) – Egypt withdrew its ambassador from  Israel today, saying that the killing of five Egyptian  security personnel as Israeli forces pursued cross-border  raiders was a breach of its 1979 peace treaty with the Jewish  state.

GuySuCo unable to run Skeldon factory, says Persaud

Agriculture Minister, Robert Persaud yesterday said that GuySuCo does not have the competence to run the troubled US$100M Skeldon factory and he urged the corporation to speed up consideration of proposals by Indian and Chinese companies to run it.

GECOM foot dragging on new registrations info

The main opposition PNCR yesterday accused the Guyana Elections Commis-sion (GECOM) of “reluctance” in releasing full particulars of registration applications coming out of the recently-conducted Claims and Objections (C&O) exercise.

No ban on lumber exports

Although that there is a limited supply of lumber available on the local market, the Guyana Forestry Commis-sion (GFC) says no decision has been taken to ban the export of logs/lumber.

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