Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Part of the audience at the commissioning. (Ministry of Agriculture photo)
Part of the audience at the commissioning. (Ministry of Agriculture photo)

Equipment for pesticides board commissioned

Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud yesterday commissioned the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board’s administrative building and supporting equipment at NAREI (National Agricultural and Research Extension Insti-tute) Compound.

Son threw food mum served him in her face

A son who took up his mother’s chair and  broke  it, after allegedly throwing food into her face which she had earlier served him, was fined $10,000  by Magistrate Fabayo Azore after confessing to a charge of damage to property.

Muammar Gaddafi

Western, Arab nations say Gaddafi must go

DOHA/TRIPOLI, (Reuters) – A group of Western powers  and Middle Eastern states called for the first time on Wednesday  for Muammar Gaddafi to step aside, but NATO countries squabbled  publicly over stepping up air strikes to help topple him.

Obama sets goal on deficit cuts, rips Republicans

WASHINGTON,  (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack  Obama yesterday proposed slashing Washington’s budget  deficit by $4 trillion with spending cuts and tax increases on  the rich, after calling Republican demands for deeper  reductions too radical.

India, China take steps to ease disputes, enhance trade

SANYA, China, (Reuters) – India and China have  agreed to restore defence ties and will exchange visits by their  top leaders as well as take steps to enhance their balance of  trade, India’s National Security Adviser Shiv Shankar Menon said  yesterday.

Prosecutors absent at treason PI

The preliminary inquiry (PI) into the treason matter against Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Major Bruce Munroe, his wife Carol Ann Munroe and ex-soldier Leonard Wharton did not continue on Monday as scheduled  due to the absence of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Reduced water supply

The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) says consumers in Lodge, Wortmanville and D’Urban Backlands will experience a reduction in water supply from today due to maintenance works.

U.S. shuts down massive cyber theft ring

WASHINGTON/BOSTON, (Reuters) – U.S. authorities  claimed one of their biggest victories against cyber crime as  they shut down a ring they said used malicious software to take  control of more than 2 million PCs around the world, and may  have led to theft of more than $100 million.

Barry Bonds convicted of obstructing justice

SAN FRANCISCO, (Reuters) – A U.S. jury convicted  Barry Bonds today of one count of obstructing justice  but deadlocked on three other charges of whether baseball’s  home run king lied to a grand jury investigating the use of  steroids in sports.

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