Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Western, Arab nations say Gaddafi must go

DOHA/TRIPOLI, (Reuters) – A group of Western powers  and Middle Eastern states called for the first time today  for Muammar Gaddafi to step aside, but NATO countries squabbled  publicly over stepping up air strikes to help topple him.

Postal employee reports being robbed by gunmen on Ogle road

A Guyana Post Office Corporation employee and the driver of a vehicle are now in police custody after reporting that the vehicle they were travelling in was robbed by three armed men at the traffic light located at the Railway Embankment and the Ogle Airstrip Road yesterday afternoon.

No big export of logs by Vaitarna -Persaud

Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud yesterday defended the transparency of the deal with an Indian company granted 1.82 million acres of forest here and said attempts to label it another “Barama deal” were ”ludicrous” and there would be no large scale export of logs.

REDjet’s low fare flights for take off

REDjet, which bills itself as the Caribbean‘s first low fare airline, is set to launch its operations here within a month and the investment is expected to create “significant” job opportunities across the region.

Bibi Shadick

REO urged to sanction Region 4 officials over $1.8M contractor overpayment

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of parliament on Monday urged the Regional Executive Officer (REO) of Region Four Donald Gajraj to take disciplinary action against regional officials who would have facilitated the overpayment of almost $1.8 million to a contractor back in 2006 for work that was only about 60 percent complete.

Bandits grab $2M from Jialing employee

The police are probing an armed robbery that occurred at about 2.10 pm yesterday at Barrack Street, Kingston, during which accounts clerk Bernard Wilburg was attacked and robbed by two men, one of whom was armed with a handgun.

Moussa Koussa

Ministers meet amid fears of Libya stalemate

TRIPOLI/DOHA, (Reuters) – Foreign ministers meet in  Qatar today for talks on Libya’s future, with some eager  to step up air strikes against Muammar Gaddafi’s forces, fearing  the conflict could settle into a bloody stalemate.

China, Brazil summit brings trade but no yuan talk

BEIJING, (Reuters) – Brazilian President Dilma  Rousseff avoided the thorny issue of China’s currency in a  summit with her Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao yesterday, but  she came away with wider market access and investment pledges  that may ease friction between the two emerging market giants.

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