Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Casinos may be at least six months away -Jagdeo

Casinos may be at least six months away and the bill was not sped through parliament to facilitate Buddy’s International Hotel capitalising on Cricket World Cup 2007 but was meant to attract investment by large hotels in the country.

School heads worried about extra lessons burn-out

Head teachers believe that far too many children are pressured into extra lessons at an early age causing “burn-out” and influencing the high incidence of school dropouts; they want the Education Ministry to take policy action in this respect.

Newly Zero-Rated Items

1. Cooking oil 2. Goods when imported by a budget agency named in the schedule to the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act 2003 3.

SN ads cut pure business decision

President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday said the axing of GINA ads to Stabroek News was purely a business decision made by the agency and that the government would advertise in two of the country’s dailies – the state-owned Chronicle, the privately-owned newspaper, the Kaieteur News, and some newspapers that are published once a week.

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