Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

$5B spent on drainage since flood, Persaud says

The government, with the assistance of international agencies, has spent approximately $5 billion to repair damaged infrastructure and improve drainage and irrigation (D&I) capabilities countrywide since the disastrous flood of December 2004/January2005.

Our Caribbean: Shades of Burnham in Guyana government

The Guyana Government has shot itself in the foot with a very bad political move that smacks of the old, discredited ‘Burnhamist doctrine’ of the late President Forbes Burnham which had reached into all aspects of governance, including crude interferences and worse, in the functioning of the country’s media.

Jagdeo apologised for Rohee, Fox outburst on religions

President Bharrat Jagdeo apologised to the leaders of the local religious community for the disparaging remarks made by two government ministers at the January 11 sitting of parliament, according to the head of the Guyana Council of Churches (GCC).

Jamaica Gleaner slams govt for ads withdrawal

The Jamaica Gleaner daily yesterday in an editorial headlined “President Jagdeo’s shame” accused the Guyana government of a “vulgar and unworthy act of reprisal” in pulling government advertisements from the Stabroek News.

Bill to ease VAT woes tabled

Amid the furore over VAT, the government yesterday tabled a bill in the National Assembly to enable additions to the list of zero-rated and exempt items by way of order but a bid to have it taken through all of its stages and passed was rebuffed.

Jagdeo seeks assurance CARICOM visa no problem for Rio Summit

With an estimated 20,000 foreigners expected to traverse the Caribbean region for Cricket World Cup 2007, Government has some concerns about this free movement of people in relation to the country’s hosting of the Rio Summit here, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported Wednesday.

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