Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Jagan to be given posthumous award

The ‘Order of Liberation’ award will be bestowed on late President Dr Cheddi Jagan in recognition of “his contribution to the struggle for Guyanese Liberation, democracy and national development”, the Government Information Agency (GINA) said.

History this week No. /2007

During the 1940s, the Colonial Office, in response to the recommendations of its Labour Advisor, Major Orde Browne, and the Royal West India Commission of 1939, advised that social services in the British Caribbean be ameliorated.

These workers are entitled to an increase

Dear Editor, The workers at the Anna Regina Town Council cannot remember the last year they had an increase in wages and salaries and they are calling upon the Ministry of Local Government to address their problems as early as possible.

Anthony Calder was quiet and focused

Dear Editor, I extend my respect and honour to the bereaved of the late Mr Anthony Calder whom I was associated with working on a project at National Media & Publishing Company a few years ago.

You paint um – nat me

Dear Editor, Once upon a time, when a dear relative, friend or acquaintance died we accompanied the remains from the church or funeral parlour to the Cemetery (Le Repentir).It

GCB Scotiabank and UNICEF Kiddies cricket

School children from four primary schools rehearsed at the Police Sports Complex ground yesterday in preparation for a half-time performance at the Providence stadium during the West Indies and Sri Lanka 2007 World Cup Super Eight match on April 1.

U-15 cricketers for social skills seminar

The Guyana under-15 cricket team preparing for the upcoming regional under-15 tournament scheduled for Trinidad will be involved in a social skills seminar today at the UNESCO boardroom at the corner of Robb and Oronoque streets.

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