Banks Fiesta starts next Wednesday
Banks DIH Limited is hosting a ‘Fun, Food and Fashion Fiesta’ to showcase local cuisine and designer wear.
The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.
Banks DIH Limited is hosting a ‘Fun, Food and Fashion Fiesta’ to showcase local cuisine and designer wear.
The New Building Society (NBS) is funding a project for the repair and installation of street lights on both carriageways of Avenue of the Republic.
The ‘Order of Liberation’ award will be bestowed on late President Dr Cheddi Jagan in recognition of “his contribution to the struggle for Guyanese Liberation, democracy and national development”, the Government Information Agency (GINA) said.
Venezuelan companies will now be able to legally fish in Suriname’s territorial fishing grounds following the signing of a new agreement between the two countries.
Judges at the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) Inter-Secondary Schools Debating Competition said the competition between the Institute of Business Education (IBE) and Camille’s Institute of Business and Science Studies was “possibly one of the best” in the series.
The Ministry of Agriculture and local beekeepers are collaborating on adding honey production to the ever-widening diversification of the country’s agriculture sector.
A study of employment practices in Region Four has revealed that Guyanese within the two major ethnic groups fill the top positions in the private and public sectors compared to other groups.
A fisherman is currently a patient at the Georgetown Hospital nursing gunshot wounds which he said he received while walking along the road with a friend on Tuesday night.
During the 1940s, the Colonial Office, in response to the recommendations of its Labour Advisor, Major Orde Browne, and the Royal West India Commission of 1939, advised that social services in the British Caribbean be ameliorated.
Dear Editor, The workers at the Anna Regina Town Council cannot remember the last year they had an increase in wages and salaries and they are calling upon the Ministry of Local Government to address their problems as early as possible.
Dear Editor, I refer to a letter by Mr F Kissoon captioned “President Jagdeo never acts on information of corruption supplied to him” (07.03.18).
Dear Editor, I respond to a letter written by Ms Manbodh, a dedicated protector of animals captioned “Don’t clip dogs’ ears and cut their tails” (07.03.18).
Dear Editor, I take this opportunity to congratulate the US Embassy on their recent decision not to accept supporting documents for B1, B2 visas.
Dear Editor, I was in Trinidad for the India-Bangladesh game over the weekend.
Dear Editor, I extend my respect and honour to the bereaved of the late Mr Anthony Calder whom I was associated with working on a project at National Media & Publishing Company a few years ago.
Dear Editor, Once upon a time, when a dear relative, friend or acquaintance died we accompanied the remains from the church or funeral parlour to the Cemetery (Le Repentir).It
School children from four primary schools rehearsed at the Police Sports Complex ground yesterday in preparation for a half-time performance at the Providence stadium during the West Indies and Sri Lanka 2007 World Cup Super Eight match on April 1.
The Guyana under-15 cricket team preparing for the upcoming regional under-15 tournament scheduled for Trinidad will be involved in a social skills seminar today at the UNESCO boardroom at the corner of Robb and Oronoque streets.
Five games are scheduled this week-end in the Georgetown Cricket Association’s under-19 limited-overs cricket competition.
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