
Flag raising held at Parliament yesterday

The flag-raising ceremony to observe the anniversary of Guyana’s attainment of independence was held yesterday at Parliament Building A Guyana Information Agency (GINA) release said President Bharrat Jagdeo, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony, acting Police Commissioner Henry Greene and Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force Brigadier Edward Collins were present for the traditional hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead.

Frankly Speaking

Funny that I keep recalling Lord Nelson’s hilarious but insightful calypso, “she saving that for company”, since the “Georgetown Enhance-ment Development Pro-gramme” and all related im-provement operations began.

Business Editorial

It comes as no surprise that fake Cricket World Cup souvenirs and memorabilia have been imported into Guyana and are already being distributed to vendors through distributors and wholesalers.

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