
Guyflag three-day first division semi-finals

Shemroy Barrington with two half centuries and skipper Stephen Jacobs with a 11-wicket match haul yesterday engineered an exciting four-wicket, come-from-behind win for Malteenoes Sports Club in their semi-final clash of the Guyflag three-day first-division competition against Everest at Camp Road.

Little progress on key parts of drug master plan

Approaching two years since government unveiled a much-heralded drug strategy master plan, with promised innovations such as wiretapping legislation and an enforcement post near the Orinoco Delta, the administration is yet to appoint a coordinator and the National Anti-Narcotics Coordinating Secretariat (NANCOS) is still to be set up.

Mystery aircraft pilot turns up

The pilot who landed his aircraft at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri last Tuesday and then disappeared for four days returned to remove the plane on Saturday and has now been identified as a reserve Major of the Jamaican Defence Force.

2007 budget debate

Security reform and the increasing crime rate topped the budget debate presentation by PNCR-1G Parliamen-tarian Deborah Backer who sang a rhyme highlighting the gun problem facing the country.

NAACIE welcomes Linden bauxite deal

The National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) has congratulated the government and BOSAI on the deal for the bauxite company at Linden as the continuation of operations is important to the country.

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