
GBTI impromptu speaking contest

As the Inter-Secondary School Impromptu Speaking Competition sponsored by the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI), Regent Street branch, continued on Thursday Marian Academy and Covent Garden Secondary prevailed over their respective opponents.

Jail-break enquiry recommends more charges

More charges have been suggested and twenty-one recommendations dealing with security enhancement, prisoners’ welfare and administrative changes are contained in the report of the board of inquiry that was set up to investigate the January 12 Mazaruni Prison jail-break.

Frankly Speaking…

Perhaps it’s the Mashramani spirit and season – when some calypsonians utilize the imaginary scenario of our two departed political behemoths, Forbes and Cheddi, discussing current goings-on amongst the local living.

Timber harvesting practices of forest producers under unfair attack

Local forest producers are firmly on the side of responsible timber harvesting and are “deeply concerned” at what the Guyana Forest Producers Association (FPA) says are “unfair and unwarranted attacks” on the operations of its members by environmentalists and other groups many of whom take little time to understand their particular role in the industry and in the community as a whole.

Food trucks for West Demerara

West Demerara sugar workers have complained bitterly about the hike in prices of basic food items, including zero-rated items, by businesses in the region and relief in the form of trucks selling essential food items will be sent to the area this weekend, Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud assured them.

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