
VAT zero-rated food items

As a service to the public Stabroek News is reprinting a portion of the list of zero-rated food items as many shopkeepers and citizens have complained that they have not been following this matter closely.

Amusement fair rollercoaster unsafe – patron

A Corentyne resident, who took his family to the Tom and Jerry Play Centre at the Esplanade Park in New Amsterdam last Tuesday, has come forward to recount their “scary experience” with the rollercoaster ride and to urge the organisers to put proper safety measures in place.

Rice output, exports up

Figures reported by the Ministry of Agriculture on the rice sector revealed an increase in output and export earnings for 2006 over the previous year while sugar also showed in-creased production but was below the revised target of 279,000 metric tonnes.

Power restored to city departments

The city’s departments which had their power cut off recently in a row over money had their electricity restored yesterday following fruitful discussions between the Mayor and City Council and the power company.

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