
Sport Letter…

Dear Editor, The idea that our senior athletes are running away with at this point in time, is that coaches in Guyana, in particular athletic coaches, are expected to create miracles.

The other Iran

In a perfect world, someone with the power to stop the imminent pre-emptive military strike against Iran would find the time to pick up a little pamphlet published by the Prickly Paradigm Press and spend a few hours considering the intellectual stakes in the Great Satan’s latest confrontation with the Axis of Evil.

Since 1992 the government had to embark on a programme of reconstruction

Dear Editor, M. Mc Allister, PNCR-1G parliamentarian in part of his presentation in the debate on the budget has attempted to float once again his party’s propaganda, that they were responsible for the improvement in the economy, repair of the infrastructure, and the debt forgiveness received since 1992, because of the so-called Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) introduced under the presidency of the late Mr Desmond Hoyte.

These cultural groups are aggressively Guyanese

Dear Editor, I refer to the name-withheld letter captioned “If born here you are seen as Guyanese” (SN 20/12/06) where the writer is putting forward the view that Africans who support ACDA or Indians who support the equivalent Indian organizations think of themselves as natives of Africa or India.

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