
Vendors back at work after fire

Vendors in the lane where a fire, believed to be of electrical origin destroyed four stalls and damaged two others, were yesterday back at work, but were tightlipped on their losses insisting that it made no sense if they lamented such.

Donna Herod killing

Chairman of the Police Complaints Authority (PCA), former Chancellor of the Judiciary, Cecil Kennard last week Thursday handed over the report into the killing of Buxtonian Donna Herod to Director of Public Prosecu-tion and recommended that a coroner’s inquest be speedily held into the matter.

Proof that 4000 carats of diamonds were smuggled wanting -source

The Guyana and Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) is finding it difficult to come up with evidence to prove that the 4000 carats of diamonds worth over $131.665, 793 that were seized from a Belgian firm three weeks ago were smuggled into the country, a source at the agency has said but the Commissioner (ag), Williams Woolford is insisting there is evidence and they will prosecute.

Thieves desecrate church

Thieves on Friday night broke into the St Simon’s Anglican Church located at De Kinderen, West Coast Demerara and made off with a number of items but not before they desecrated the place of worship, leaving nasty surprises for the caretakers yesterday.

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