Regional News

BBC Caribbean News in Brief

Call for regional banking regulation The Governor of the Barbados Central Bank has urged that a regional regulatory system for the financial sector be put in place.

Fay-Ann wins Road March by wide margin

(Trinidad Express) – It was the season for multiple wins as the National Carnival Commission (NCC) announced the winners of Carnival 2009 at the new VIP lounge at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, yesterday.

Airline crews to face scrutiny

– pilot accused of $5m customs breach (Jamaica Gleaner) – Airline crew should now expect to go through regular searches at the island’s two international airports as the Customs Department implements more stringent measures placing them under the microscope.

Rain fails to dampen Carnival spirit

(Trinidad Guardian) – Not even dark skies and intermittent showers could damper the spirits and waistlines of thousands of masqueraders who went out on Tuesday to celebrate Carnival.

World’s largest wetland threatened in Brazil

CORUMBA, Brazil, (Reuters) – Jaguars still roam the  world’s largest wetland and endangered Hyacinth Macaws nest in  its trees but advancing farms and industries are destroying  Brazil’s Pantanal region at an alarming rate.

Allen Stanford

Some mutual fund assets released in Stanford case

HOUSTON, (Reuters) – Mutual funds that are not held  in custodial Stanford Finan-cial Group accounts should be  released from a court-ordered asset freeze, an attorney  overseeing the company’s affairs and assets said in a  statement on Monday.

Colombian ‘coffins’ run cocaine beneath the waves

KEY WEST, Florida (Reuters) – Packed with cocaine and grimly christened “coffins,” sleek jungle-built submarines are steaming their way north from Colombia through Pacific waters to deliver tons of illegal drugs headed for the US market.

Trini-American shot dead in city

(Trinidad Guardian) – A Trinidadian national, a naturalised American citizen, was shot dead in Port-of-Spain on Sunday morning, all because he wined on another man’s girlfriend.

Baldwin Spencer

Antigua’s Parliament to be recalled over Stanford crisis

Antiguan Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer will today advise Governor General Dame Louise Lake-Tack to reconvene a sitting of the House of Representatives to discuss the crisis sparked by charges in the US against billionaire Allen Stanford, a statement from the PM’s office said on Friday.

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