Regional News

Colombia says Chavez meddling, protests to OAS

BOGOTA (Reuters) – Colombia yesterday filed a  formal complaint against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez with  the Organization of American States, accusing the leftist  leader of meddling in its domestic affairs.

New troponin tests pinpoint heart attacks faster

BOSTON (Reuters) – New ultra-sensitive blood tests  can rapidly detect when heart muscle is dying from a heart  attack, even from the moment the patient arrives in the  emergency room, according to two studies yesterday.

Developing world gets tiny share of cancer spend

DUBLIN,  (Reuters) – The developing world sees only 5  percent of the world’s spending on cancer treatment, despite  accounting for around half of new cases and nearly two-thirds of  cancer deaths, a report published on Monday said.

Brazil election looks like mainstream race

BRASILIA (Reuters) – Pro-business candidates likely  will dominate the race to take over from Brazilian President  Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, with his handpicked successor and  the governor of the nation’s richest state ahead of emerging  leftist rivals.

Jamaica sugar output cost underestimated

(Jamaica Gleaner) Sugar officials now acknowledge it will take US$39 million to produce the 79,000 tonnes of sugar forward sold to Eridania Suisse SA from the next crop, and not US$21 million as initially announced.

Fouled bandit on cops’ wanted list

…heroine pleased(Trinidad Express) The man disarmed and disabled by the woman he intended to rob, has turned out to be a dangerous criminal suspect wanted by police in connection with murder, kidnapping and robberies.

Mom fights gunman

(Trinidad Express) A mother who found a gunman outside her home intent on robbing and killing, saved herself and her teenage daughters on Monday.

Fire rips through BICO

(Barbados Nation) One million dollars – and counting! That’s the estimate which chairman and chief executive officer Edwin Thirlwell put on the damage done by a fire raging on Tuesday night at the headquarters of BICO, the big ice-cream maker.

PNP to expel youth arm if it fields by-election candidate

(Jamaica Observer) A plan by the People’s National Party Youth Organisation (PNPYO) to field a candidate in next month’s by-election in North West Clarendon will result in its immediate expulsion from the party, authoritative PNP sources have told the Observer.

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