Regional News

Hip hop artiste Nicki Minaj aboard a Tribe truck looks at masqueraders during the Parade of Bands at the Socadrome, Hasely Crawford Stadium, on Tuesday.

Nic­ki Mi­naj apologises for husband’s actions in Trinidad

(Trinidad Guardian) Trinidad-born US-based rap­per Nic­ki Mi­naj may have had a bit of a spoil­er for her first ever Car­ni­val ex­pe­ri­ence on Car­ni­val Tues­day af­ter a video went vi­ral on so­cial me­dia show­ing her hus­band, Ken­neth Pet­ty, push­ing away the hand of Road March 2020 king Neil “Iw­er” George dur­ing his per­for­mance on a Tribe mu­sic truck.

Jamaica: Seven cops in traffic accidents in five days

(Jamaica Gleaner) The strength and commitment of an injured unnamed policeman who was hurt in a two-vehicle smash-up at the intersection of Harbour and Pechon streets yesterday afternoon was the talking point among workers from a nearby furniture store, some of whom witnessed the crash and helped in the rescue effort of the six victims.

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