(Jamaica Gleaner) Banned from using the Montego Bay Cultural Centre for some of their Montego Bay Pride events, the LGBT group has filed a judicial review against Montego Bay Mayor Homer Davis and the St James Municipal Corporation.
(Trinidad Guardian) Questions are now being raised about the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts’ (MCDCA) decision to fork out $4,000 on a cake while ministry workers claim they had been facing problems in the recent past to get basic office supplies.
(Trinidad Guardian) The Santa Rosa First Peoples community said it is not in favour of renaming the Piarco International Airport due to its connection to the First Peoples’ history.
The murder of 30-year-old Curtly “Conehead” Calder in St James on Friday night has taken to homicide figure for 2019 to 400.
The same number of people were killed during the same period in 2018.
PORT-AU-PRINCE, (Reuters) – Haitian police used tear gas and live ammunition yesterday to disperse increasingly violent protesters in the capital, witnesses said, as anger over the economic and political problems in the country grew.
(Trinidad Express) Mini mart and car wash owner Jahdiel David Robinson was shot and killed in Mt D’or on Thursday night
Robinson, 24, who owns and operated the One Stop Mini Mart and Car Wash along Mt D’or Road, was killed at about 9.20p.m.
MANAGUA, (Reuters) – Two Nicaraguan newspapers abruptly announced they were shutting down yesterday, citing “adverse economic” conditions after previously complaining that the government of President Daniel Ortega had blocked newsprint imports amid a grinding political crisis.
(Trinidad Guardian) Preliminary investigations into the abduction and murder of Richard Chan Attong, 43, of Belmont, points to a close relative.
WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – The Trump administration yesterday imposed U.S. travel sanctions on Cuban Commu-nist Party chief Raul Castro over his support for Venezuela’s socialist president, Nicolas Maduro, and involvement in what it called “gross violations of human rights.”
(Trinidad Express) Convicted drug accused Stephen Gocking has been slapped with a 20-year prison term after being found guilty by a Port of Spain jury in July on two counts of cocaine possession for the purpose of trafficking.
(Barbados Nation) Starting today, the Barbados Water Authority will be rationing water and diverting it to other areas, especially parishes to the north and east that are most in need.
(Trinidad Express) Tickets for traffic offences like speeding will start being mailed to offenders this year, Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi said yesterday.
(Trinidad Guardian) Government expects Patriotic Energies and Technologies Ltd to be able to restart the former Petrotrin refinery in less than 12 months since it won’t immediately have to raise its (US)$700 million payment.
(Jamaica Gleaner) Prime Minister Andrew Holness has directed National Security Minister Dr Horace Chang and the security forces to take “firm action” to curb indiscipline on the nation’s roads which, he said, has reached “a level where it is a threat to our economy and public order and safety”.
(Trinidad Express) The Zoological Society of Trinidad and Tobago said yesterday that they welcome the recent designation of the capybara as a vermin species under the Conservation of Wildlife Act.
(Trinidad Guardian) Eight men, including seven Venezuelans, were arrested by Fraud Squad officers in connection with a card-skimming ring in the Northern Division.