Regional News

Police process a crime scene in Spanish Town, where members of the One Don gang carry out most of its activities. (Photo: Naphtali Junior)

Jamaican: ‘One Don’ gang busted, 24 members for court today

(Jamaica Observer) Twenty-four members of the St Catherine-based One Don Gang — a breakaway faction of the notorious Klansman Gang — are scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court today The 24 alleged gangsters, including one woman, are among 33 people who were arrested during recent police raids, and are said to be responsible for more than 30 murders, including the death of a policeman.

Suganee Sam, left, and her daughter Soomatee relax in hammocks at their home in Rig Road, Barrackpore, on Tuesday.

Trinidad family lives in cowshed for a home

(Trinidad Guardian) When a 6.8 mag­ni­tude earth­quake rocked Trinidad & Tobago a year ago, 78-year-old Sug­a­nee Sam and her daugh­ter Soo­ma­tee hud­dled to­geth­er, pray­ing that their home con­struct­ed of rust­ed gal­vanised sheets and dis­card­ed wood would not col­lapse on them.

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