Trinidad & Tobago News

Young holds several posts. He is the member of Parliament for Port of Spain North/St Ann’s West, and is the National Security Minister and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister.
Young holds several posts. He is the member of Parliament for Port of Spain North/St Ann’s West, and is the National Security Minister and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister.

Trinidad minister tumbles off stage at opening of new fire station

(Trinidad Express) National Security Minister Stuart Young fell off the stage after giving his address at the opening of the new Penal Fire Station on Tuesday.

Ken­neth “Span­ish” Ro­driguez

Reputed Trinidad gang leader still getting state contracts

(Trinidad Guardian) The same man, Ken­neth “Span­ish” Ro­driguez, who was re­ferred to as a “known gang leader” in the In­ter­im Re­port from the Joint Se­lect Com­mit­tee (JSC) on Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty is still re­ceiv­ing lu­cra­tive Gov­ern­ment con­tracts from the cur­rent ad­min­is­tra­tion.

Nicki Minaj and Kenneth Petty

Trinidad gov’t says blindsided over background of Nicki Minaj’s husband

(Trinidad Guardian) Gov­ern­ment doesn’t yet have a sys­tem which would have al­lowed im­mi­gra­tion of­fi­cials to ac­quire visa in­for­ma­tion from the Unit­ed States which would have in­di­cat­ed that Trinidad and To­ba­go-born US-based rap­per Nic­ki Mi­naj’s hus­band was an al­leged sex of­fend­er in his na­tive coun­try.

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