Trinidad & Tobago News

These three counterfeit $100 bills were seized by the Bankers’ Association of Trinidad and Tobago from customers across the country over the last two days.
These three counterfeit $100 bills were seized by the Bankers’ Association of Trinidad and Tobago from customers across the country over the last two days.

Counterfeiters busy in Trinidad, of­fi­cial says fake bills ram­pant

(Trinidad Guardian) One day af­ter a San Juan mar­ket ven­dor re­port­ed that he was paid with a coun­ter­feit $100 bill at the Cen­tral Mar­ket in Port-of-Spain, a source in the Bankers’ As­so­ci­a­tion of Trinidad and To­ba­go (BATT) is say­ing coun­ter­feits are much more ram­pant than the pub­lic knows.

Quik Pharm pharmacist Alana Bosland, right, uses the P2CV N95 respirator coronavirus mask as she attends to a customer at their branch on Frederick Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.
Quik Pharm pharmacist Alana Bosland, right, uses the P2CV N95 respirator coronavirus mask as she attends to a customer at their branch on Frederick Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

Coronavirus: N-95 mask shortage in T&T

(Trinidad Guardian) There is a short­age of N-95 masks in the coun­try, which puts doc­tors at risk should there be an out­break of the nov­el coro­n­avirus (COVID-19).

A sad Radhica Rampersad, left, and her son Krishna Seepersad look on as undertakers remove the body her daughter Susan Seepersad, after she was killed at her home in Rampersad Trace Debe, yesterday.

Trinidad mother murdered, throat slit

(Trinidad Guardian) Two months af­ter her hus­band’s in­car­cer­a­tion forced her to live alone in a new home, Su­san “Mary” Seep­er­sad suf­fered a trag­ic death when her throat was slit on Mon­day morn­ing.

US rapper Ludacris, right, and Tobago chef Arthur Patrick.

Tobagonian chef cooks for Ludacris

(Trinidad Guardian) Arthur Patrick, 29, is a To­bag­on­ian chef whose lo­cal flavoured meals have been siz­zling among sev­er­al celebri­ties in­ter­na­tion­al­ly.

Roodal Moonilal

Report links three Trinidad Opposition frontliners to criminals

(Trinidad Express) Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal and two UNC deputy political leaders, one of whom is a senator and another who used to be managing director of the Housing Development Corporation, have been named in evidence given to the Joint Select Committee on National Security as having connections with known criminal gang leaders.

Trinidad: Triple murder in Guapo

(Trinidad Guardian) The man who mur­dered three peo­ple in a house at Guapo on Thurs­day be­fore setting it ablaze with gaso­line may have used a cut­lass and a hoe to ex­e­cute his bru­tal at­tack, po­lice said.

Hip hop artiste Nicki Minaj aboard a Tribe truck looks at masqueraders during the Parade of Bands at the Socadrome, Hasely Crawford Stadium, on Tuesday.

Nic­ki Mi­naj apologises for husband’s actions in Trinidad

(Trinidad Guardian) Trinidad-born US-based rap­per Nic­ki Mi­naj may have had a bit of a spoil­er for her first ever Car­ni­val ex­pe­ri­ence on Car­ni­val Tues­day af­ter a video went vi­ral on so­cial me­dia show­ing her hus­band, Ken­neth Pet­ty, push­ing away the hand of Road March 2020 king Neil “Iw­er” George dur­ing his per­for­mance on a Tribe mu­sic truck.

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