Trinidad & Tobago News

Paula Chuniesingh, left, is consoled by a relative after viewing the bodies of her children Pollyann and Damian Chuniesingh, at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, yesterday.
Paula Chuniesingh, left, is consoled by a relative after viewing the bodies of her children Pollyann and Damian Chuniesingh, at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, yesterday.

Trinidad: Victims in triple murder were all strangled

(Trinidad Guardian) Po­lice have de­tained a sus­pect in the mur­ders of three mem­bers of Chu­niesingh fam­i­ly who were found tied up at a house on Getwell Av­enue, Pin­to Road, Ari­ma, on Mon­day.

The truck that came into contact with the overhead temporary gantry at the Curepe Interchange, yesterday.
The truck that came into contact with the overhead temporary gantry at the Curepe Interchange, yesterday.

Trinidad: Errant truck driver causes interchange mishap

(Trinidad Guardian) As works con­tin­ue on the Curepe In­ter­change, one dri­ver is said to have ig­nored the height re­stric­tions while ap­proach­ing the work­site lead­ing to an ac­ci­dent, with a mo­torist nar­row­ly es­cap­ing with his life.

Totaram Dookie

Trinidad: Senior cop promoted then sent on leave

(Trinidad Guardian) The for­mer head of the Pro­fes­sion­al Stan­dards Bu­reau (PSB) of the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice (TTPS) To­taram Dook­ie, who was re­cent­ly pro­mot­ed to the rank As­sis­tant Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice, was sent on leave just over a week ago.

Pastor Vinworth Dayal

Millions more seized from Trinidad pastor’s church

(Trinidad Guardian) Fi­nan­cial In­tel­li­gence Branch (FIB) in­ves­ti­ga­tors were on Friday count­ing “mil­lions of dol­lars” they seized from the Third Ex­o­dus As­sem­bly Church in Long­denville head­ed by Pas­tor Vin­worth Day­al on Thurs­day evening.

Pastor Vinworth Anthony Dayal declares Satan is trying to bring him and his church down during a service on Friday night at the Third Exodus Assembly church in Longdenville, Chaguanas. -

Trinidad: $28m Pastor says Satan is trying to make him famous

(Trinidad Newsday) Third Exodus Assembly pastor Vinworth Dayal, who is under investigation for the source of $28 million he tried to exchange for new $100 bills on Old Year’s Day, has declared the devil is trying to “make him famous”, and with the support of heaven his church will not “scatter and fall apart.”

Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith

Trinidad Top Cop claps back at Facebook ‘experts’

(Trinidad Express) Sometime around midnight, Police Commissioner Gary Griffith went to his Facebook account to comment on the arrest of Transformed Life Ministries pastor Glen Awong who goes court today charged with offences linked to a raid at his compound in Arouca three months ago.

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