Trinidad & Tobago News

A 2020 FAMILY: Shaciba St Louis, right, and her girlfriend Lisa Melville hold their daughter Miracle, who was the fourth baby delivered for 2020 at the Mt Hope Women’s Hospital, Mt Hope, yesterday. Miracle, whose weight was five pounds, three ounces, was born at 6.03 a.m.

Trinidad: Evangelical churches appalled at lesbian couple’s ‘Miracle’ baby

(Trinidad Guardian) De­spite some ju­bi­la­tion for Lisa Melville and Shack­i­ba St Louis on the birth of their daugh­ter Mir­a­cle on New Year’s Day, the Coun­cil of Evan­gel­i­cal Church­es (TTCEC) says that a nat­ur­al fam­i­ly is the best en­vi­ron­ment for a child’s de­vel­op­ment.   With Mir­a­cle’s birth gain­ing na­tion­al at­ten­tion, the coun­cil said it was ap­palled at the news of a les­bian cou­ple hav­ing a child via ar­ti­fi­cial in­sem­i­na­tion.

The truck that came into contact with the overhead temporary gantry at the Curepe Interchange, yesterday.

Trinidad: Errant truck driver causes interchange mishap

(Trinidad Guardian) As works con­tin­ue on the Curepe In­ter­change, one dri­ver is said to have ig­nored the height re­stric­tions while ap­proach­ing the work­site lead­ing to an ac­ci­dent, with a mo­torist nar­row­ly es­cap­ing with his life.

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