Trinidad & Tobago News

Workers from various offices gather at the corner of Queen Janelle Commissiong and St Vincent Streets, Port-of Spain, after buildings near the Government Campus Parkade were evacuated following an explosion at the facility yesterday.
Workers from various offices gather at the corner of Queen Janelle Commissiong and St Vincent Streets, Port-of Spain, after buildings near the Government Campus Parkade were evacuated following an explosion at the facility yesterday.

Trinidad: Electronic device found following parkade explosion

(Trinidad Guardian) Po­lice have con­firmed that an elec­tron­ic de­vice was re­cov­ered at the Gov­ern­ment Cam­pus’ Parkade fol­low­ing an ex­plo­sion yes­ter­day.

Businessman Johnny Soong, in a marijuana field in St Vincent.

Entertainment magnate eyes medicinal ganja in Trinidad & Tobago

(Trinidad Guardian) Busi­ness­man John­ny Soong and chair­man and prin­ci­pal in­vestor of Green La­va Labs, the first com­pa­ny to be­gin le­gal cannabis cul­ti­va­tion in St Vin­cent says Trinidad & Tobago can be a ma­jor play­er in the pro­duc­tion and trade of med­i­c­i­nal mar­i­jua­na.

Saifudeen Muhammad now being called “Snake boy”.

Trinidad: ‘Snake boy’ assures he knows how to handle reptiles

(Trinidad Guardian) He is now be­ing called “snake boy”. Sai­fudeen Muham­mad the 13-year-old, Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, Ch­agua­nas stu­dent went vi­ral af­ter a video was post­ed on so­cial me­dia of his brav­ery in re­mov­ing a wild maca­juel snake at the school com­pound this week.

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