Trinidad & Tobago News

Businessman Johnny Soong, in a marijuana field in St Vincent.

Entertainment magnate eyes medicinal ganja in Trinidad & Tobago

(Trinidad Guardian) Busi­ness­man John­ny Soong and chair­man and prin­ci­pal in­vestor of Green La­va Labs, the first com­pa­ny to be­gin le­gal cannabis cul­ti­va­tion in St Vin­cent says Trinidad & Tobago can be a ma­jor play­er in the pro­duc­tion and trade of med­i­c­i­nal mar­i­jua­na.

Saifudeen Muhammad now being called “Snake boy”.

Trinidad: ‘Snake boy’ assures he knows how to handle reptiles

(Trinidad Guardian) He is now be­ing called “snake boy”. Sai­fudeen Muham­mad the 13-year-old, Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, Ch­agua­nas stu­dent went vi­ral af­ter a video was post­ed on so­cial me­dia of his brav­ery in re­mov­ing a wild maca­juel snake at the school com­pound this week.

Collis “El Chapo” Britto shot and killed by police in Santa Cruz on Wednesday morning.

Trinidad man wanted for ten murders killed by police

(Trinidad Guardian) A man, who was want­ed in con­nec­tion with ten mur­ders in­clud­ing Tues­day’s dou­ble mur­der of Mar­sha Joseph, 55, and her son, Shawn, 22, was killed in a po­lice-in­volved shoot­ing yesterday in San­ta Cruz.

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