Trinidad & Tobago News

Sat Maharaj
Sat Maharaj

Trinidad’s Sat Maharaj passes away

(Trinidad Guardian) Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of the Sanatan Dhar­ma Ma­ha Sab­ha and a man who carved out a lega­cy for him­self as a fight­er, Sat­narayan Ma­haraj, 88, has died.

Flashback October 2012: Steve Ferguson and Ishwar Galbarsingh leave the Port-of-Spain Magistrates’ Court on St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain.
Flashback October 2012: Steve Ferguson and Ishwar Galbarsingh leave the Port-of-Spain Magistrates’ Court on St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain.

Trinidad airport inquiry to start over 15 years later

(Trinidad Guardian) The pro­tract­ed “Pi­ar­co Two” pre­lim­i­nary in­quiry in­to fraud charges aris­ing out of the con­struc­tion of the $1.6 bil­lion Pi­ar­co In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port has to be restart­ed.

Arlene Blackman died after being shot by gunmen, in what police say was a hired hit.

Trinidad cops: Woman’s murder a hired hit

(Trinidad Guardian) Homi­cide de­tec­tives strong­ly be­lieve that a dead­ly hit was car­ried out on the life of Ar­lene Black­man, how­ev­er, a mo­tive is yet to be es­tab­lished for her killing.

Trinidad MP Barry Padarath

Trinidad MP Barry Padarath robbed by gunman

(Trinidad Guardian) Short­ly af­ter UNC of­fi­cials spoke out against T&T’s run­away crime sit­u­a­tion at a po­lit­i­cal meet­ing on Thurs­day night came news that Princes Town MP Bar­ry Padarath had been robbed at gun­point.

UNC PRO Anita Haynes

Trinidad: UNC says Cambridge Analytica story is a fairy tale

(Trinidad Guardian) An op­por­tunist!  That’s how Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) pub­lic re­la­tions of­fi­cer Ani­ta Haynes de­scribed Christo­pher Wylie who worked with Cam­bridge An­a­lyt­i­ca (CA) and con­duct­ed da­ta min­ing and analy­ses in T&T.

Andron Jaggan

Missing Trinidad teen found

(Trinidad Guardian) Two and a half weeks af­ter 15-year-old An­dron Jag­gan went miss­ing while on an er­rand to pur­chase bread and sausages, he was found in an aban­doned house in Pe­nal. 

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