Trinidad & Tobago News

Baldeo Soogrim weeps as he recalls how his home was destroyed by fire on Sunday.
Baldeo Soogrim weeps as he recalls how his home was destroyed by fire on Sunday.

Trinidad: Family devastated after Divali fire destroys home

(Trinidad Guardian) Di­vali was meant to be a hap­py time for Baldeo Soogrim and his daugh­ter Vis­han­na but one hour be­fore they lit their deyas, a fire broke out at their home and de­voured every­thing they owned.

Police have labelled a man who is partially seen in a video in which men are counting an excessive amount of T&T hundred-dollar bills, a person of interest and are seeking the public’s help in identifying him.
Police have labelled a man who is partially seen in a video in which men are counting an excessive amount of T&T hundred-dollar bills, a person of interest and are seeking the public’s help in identifying him.

Trinidad police looking for person of interest in viral money video

(Trinidad Guardian) The Po­lice Ser­vice is look­ing for a man who was pic­tured in a video among sev­er­al per­sons sift­ing through thou­sands of dol­lars of lo­cal cur­ren­cy.

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