Trinidad & Tobago News

Murder suspect Michael Joseph
Murder suspect Michael Joseph

Trinidad teen in court for mom’s murder

(Trinidad Guardian) A 19-year-old Michael Joseph ap­peared be­fore a Ch­agua­nas Mag­is­trate Court yes­ter­day charged with the mur­der of his moth­er Al­is­tra Kam­po, which oc­curred on Sat­ur­day 24th Au­gust.

Anthony Garcia

T&T minister defends firing of 199 university staff

(Trinidad Guardian) Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter An­tho­ny Gar­cia on Fri­day ad­mit­ted that the ter­mi­na­tion of 199 non-aca­d­e­m­ic Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T (UTT) staff will be a trau­mat­ic ex­pe­ri­ence, but said it was the on­ly way the in­sti­tu­tion could sur­vive.

Trinidad: Taxi driver says woman conned him

(Trinidad Newsday) A taxi driver conned by a woman who claimed to work for a television station believes the culprit is the same person who used a similar story and stole $300 from the wallet of a print-shop owner in San Fernando last week.

Trinidad: Retrenchment of around 200 at UTT underway

(Trinidad Guardian) Tears flowed and anx­i­ety in­creased among Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T staff yes­ter­day, as some col­lect­ed their re­trench­ment let­ters and oth­ers wait­ed for hours at cam­pus­es through­out the coun­try.

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