Trinidad & Tobago News

Kristian Sirjusingh

Trinidad law clerk shot dead in robbery

(Trinidad Guardian) Al­though the Avengers, who brought jus­tice to the peo­ple of Earth, maybe a work of fic­tion, Open Bible Pas­tor Kem­raj Ram­nar­ine told mourn­ers bid­ding farewell to Kris­t­ian Sir­jus­ingh yes­ter­day that God was their Avenger.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley (right) greets Police Commissioner Gary Griffith at a ceremony to hand over motorcycles given to the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service by the People’s Republic of China, at the Police Academy in St James on Wednesday.

Trinidad PM: I never called anyone lazy

(Trinidad Guardian) Af­ter re­ceiv­ing heavy crit­i­cism for his com­ments that some pub­lic ser­vants have been col­lect­ing a salary even though they “pro­duce noth­ing when the day comes,” Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has now is­sued a state­ment deny­ing that he ever ac­cused the Pub­lic Ser­vice work­ers of be­ing lazy.

A photo of a dead cat in the water at the Caroni Bird Sanctuary which was shared by the Animal Welfare Network (AWN) on their Facebook page.

Trinidad: Stray cats at Caroni Bird Sanctuary poisoned

(Trinidad Guardian) Just one week af­ter com­plaints were raised about cats in­vad­ing the Ca­roni Bird Sanc­tu­ary, dis­turb­ing pho­tos have sur­faced on so­cial me­dia show­ing the an­i­mals dead from ap­par­ent poi­son­ing at the same site.

The Red Kangaroos at the Emperor Valley Zoo (Trinidad Express photo)

Trinidad gets kangaroos

(Trinidad Express) The Emperor Valley Zoo has four new additions. Four red kangaroos have been brought in from a facility in Texas, USA.

Kristian Sirjusingh

Trinidad: Law clerk shot dead during bar robbery

(Trinidad Guardian) A night of cel­e­bra­tion spurned in­to life­time of tragedy for a Gas­par­il­lo fam­i­ly af­ter ban­dits shot dead a po­lice of­fi­cer’s broth­er and wound­ed his friend af­ter a rob­bery at a vil­lage bar.

Michael Carew

Bail woes for former Trinidad minister’s companion

(Trinidad Guardian) For­mer gov­ern­ment min­is­ter Mar­lene Mc­Don­ald’s long-time com­pan­ion Michael Carew and an­oth­er man charged along­side the cou­ple for cor­rup­tion and mon­ey laun­der­ing, are yet to ac­cess bail.

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