Trinidad & Tobago News

John Nicholas is charged with killing Angelina Samuel
John Nicholas is charged with killing Angelina Samuel

Neighbour charged with killing Trinidad woman

(Trinidad Express) A Laventille man is expected to appear before a Port of Spain Magistrate today, charged with the murder of Angelina Samuel and wounding two men.

Church member Hayma Ali with Kathy Ann Devenish as work continues on her new home.

Trinidad: Strangers build home for ailing single mother

(Trinidad Guardian) Com­plete strangers have built a new home for an ail­ing sin­gle moth­er of nine who had been liv­ing in a di­lap­i­dat­ed shack in Cara­pichaima.   Kathy Ann De­venish, 41, who has can­cer, had been strug­gling to sup­port her fam­i­ly as she un­der­went chemother­a­py treat­ments when mem­bers of a lo­cal church found out about her plight and pitched in to help.

Marlene McDonald

Trinidad: Cancellation of Chinese housing project worries Marlene

(Trinidad Guardian)  “Worried and concerned about Port-of-Spain South.” That’s how PNM Port-of-Spain South MP Marlene McDonald said she is feeling about Thursday’s announcement regarding the cancellation of a contract to a Chinese firm for the planned housing unit construction in her constituency.

The four Red Kangaroos in their cage is the newest addition to the Emperor Valley Zoo in Port-of-Spain.

Trinidad: Zoo blames kangaroo’s death on fireworks

(Trinidad Guardian) The de­bate over a ban on fire­works raged yes­ter­day af­ter a young male Red Kan­ga­roo at the Em­per­or Val­ley Zoo died from “trau­ma and stress” it ex­pe­ri­enced af­ter the In­de­pen­dence Day fire­works in the Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah.

A excited Polly Boodoo touches the 7foot Boa Constritor that was found at her home in Mon Desir Road, Rousillac.

Trinidad: Big snake mistaken for a ‘stuffed toy’ in wash tub

(Trinidad Guardian) “The snake big like a man’s neck!” That’s how a Rousil­lac res­i­dent de­scribed the snake that slith­ered in­to her neigh­bour’s wash tub when she made the fran­tic call to the Forestry Di­vi­sion for help.   Sav­it­ri and her moth­er 78-year-old mom Pol­ly Boodoo were greet­ed with the maca­juel curled up in the wash tub when they re­turned to their Mon De­sir Road home on Wednes­day morn­ing af­ter vis­it­ing the health clin­ic.

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