Trinidad & Tobago News

Trevor James
Trevor James

ICE detains Trinidad national in the US despite having green card

(Trinidad Guardian) An on­line fundrais­er has been es­tab­lished for a Trinida­di­an na­tion­al who has found him­self de­tained by the Unit­ed States Im­mi­gra­tion and Cus­toms En­force­ment (ICE) agency de­spite hav­ing le­git­i­mate doc­u­ments to re­side legal­ly in the coun­try.

Suganee Sam, left, and her daughter Soomatee relax in hammocks at their home in Rig Road, Barrackpore, on Tuesday.

Trinidad family lives in cowshed for a home

(Trinidad Guardian) When a 6.8 mag­ni­tude earth­quake rocked Trinidad & Tobago a year ago, 78-year-old Sug­a­nee Sam and her daugh­ter Soo­ma­tee hud­dled to­geth­er, pray­ing that their home con­struct­ed of rust­ed gal­vanised sheets and dis­card­ed wood would not col­lapse on them.

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