Trinidad & Tobago News

Act­ing Se­nior Su­per­in­ten­dent of the Fraud Squad Unit Lin­don Greenidge and his wife, Ver­nice Ed­wards Greenidge
Act­ing Se­nior Su­per­in­ten­dent of the Fraud Squad Unit Lin­don Greenidge and his wife, Ver­nice Ed­wards Greenidge

Trinidad: Senior cop, wife get bail for assault charges

(Trinidad Guardian) An Ari­ma mag­is­trate fixed bail in the to­tal of $200,000 for a se­nior po­lice of­fi­cer and his wife who ap­peared in court on Wednes­day on as­sault and ma­li­cious charges.

Videsh Albert, shot dead while asleep at his home.

Trinidad: Sleeping man was shot 8 times then tucked into bed

(Trinidad Guardian) Po­lice are on the hunt for the killer, who not on­ly end­ed the life of Videsh Al­bert, 25 but tucked him in bed af­ter shoot­ing him sev­er­al times while he was asleep.   Al­bert, a trades­man of Farm Road, Bois Bande, Ojoe Road, San­gre Grande was al­so await­ing the birth of his first child.

Suganee Sam, left, and her daughter Soomatee relax in hammocks at their home in Rig Road, Barrackpore, on Tuesday.

Trinidad family lives in cowshed for a home

(Trinidad Guardian) When a 6.8 mag­ni­tude earth­quake rocked Trinidad & Tobago a year ago, 78-year-old Sug­a­nee Sam and her daugh­ter Soo­ma­tee hud­dled to­geth­er, pray­ing that their home con­struct­ed of rust­ed gal­vanised sheets and dis­card­ed wood would not col­lapse on them.

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